The return of the prodigal daughter
Mum almost forgotten she had a daughter. This rebellious mid twenties youngster finally remembered to call home... you know, absent-mindedness is always an excuse. An hour long of complaints and whinging soon trembled through my poor ear drums. Someone had obviously burst my bubble to mum - for driving to work just a week after I injured my ATFL (Anterior Talofibular Ligament), simply understood as just the ankle ligament; for hopping around Sydney town in crutches and bandages instead of resting the ankle at home; and for snorkelling.
The hunk
I waited two weeks to see a physio at the nearby hospital. Because of my usual procrastinating attitude, believe it or not, I only just purchased private health insurance a week before my ankle injury. There was a two month waiting period for physiotherapy services. Pretty frustrating! And I wasn't allowed to go a hospital in other suburbs, apparently you have to go to the one nearest to you. I don't get the logic.
I guess things happen for a reason, otherwise I wouldn't have met my good looking physiotherapist. =] I look forward to our weekly sessions.
The prawns
The why: Start of prawning season
The where: Lake Illawarra
The time: 1am
The catch: Three measly prawns and two tiny crabs.
The humour: One crab tried to suffocate a helpless prawn while in captivity.
The virus
It's official. My laptop is infected with various virus. And my housemate's mac is frustratingly difficult to use.
The sleepless night
Last night, Chloe refused to stop scratching my bedroom door, of which I usually close when I go to bed. Even after a spank on her ass for being annoying, she continued scratching.
Food bowl not empty -check!
Water available -check!
Litter tray clean -check!
What is wrong with you? Tired as I am, with only a few hours sleep and a 7.30am training, I decided to leave the door open, giving her for the first time the freedom to do as she pleased in my bedroom.
At 10:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
i thought u used to let chloe sleep with u and walk over u as u sleep? just not in gong eh? how's my unfriendly cat, meowsie anyway? LOL
At 12:25 PM,
teng said…
Used to allow her to do that back in Melb. In gong I trained her to not enter my bedroom anymore. It was difficult the first month coz she wanted to cuddle in...
Haha...hvnt heard the term meowsie for a long time. When are you visiting me and your anak angkat?
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