
Just a glance

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

It Stings...

In my hurry and excitement to drink the chai tea I bought from Gloria Jeans, I burnt my tongue. It must be something new that GJ finally decided to put on their drink list, well not that I ever frequent GJ. No, actually, I've never bought nor step into a GJ coffee shop. How bizarre. I've always had this misconception that GJ don't do good coffees. Hence, I will not buy anything from them.

But the huge ad in their store caught my eye and I remembered how I used to love drinking chai tea everytime I was on duty at Plush Fish (the sushi bar at Melb Uni where I used to work up until last October). And that would mean everyday since I worked full time there. What am I talking about? I'm starting to blabber blah...

Anyway for those who are in the blur, chai tea is an Indian continental favourite made with black tea, spices like cinnamon sticks and star henisse, and a pinch of vanilla. Unlike other tea, chai is brewed with either steamed milk or soy milk. But I would strongly recommend soy milk. I know most of us don't fancy soy milk, especially yours truly, and soy milk is NOT the same as soy bean milk. But the combination of soy and chai is heavenly...and is a definite must for you to try if you are a big big fan of beancurd. You will know why once you've had a sip of chai tea. Plush Fish still makes the best chai tea around. No one has surpassed them in their own concoction of chai tea, which I had the pleasure and priviledge to make and taste.


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