
Just a glance

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Computer Abuse

Everyone in the office is still talking about the suspension. With my boss on holidays for 5 weeks, the decibel level is increasing by the day. Multitasking is what I normally do best - doing my work and eavesdropping on the conversation thrown loosely across the room. But yesterday, combined with Monday blues, I crumbled. A pulsating headache forced me to take the rest of the day off. Upon reaching home, I almost went mad with my neighbour hammering away - or maybe not. It sounded too constant and the tappings were too evenly spread out. I couldn't identify the source of the noise. Thankfully, it stopped after 10 minutes and I was able to regain my sanity and fall asleep.

Hot office news of the week:
1) Colleague insists he is innocent after another session of interrogation.
2) Said colleague is still suspended under full pay.
3) Illegal material downloaded was apparently porn.
4) A colleague in the same role 2 years ago was also suspended for using the company's server to support peer sharing of downloaded videos/mp3s/dvds, etc. The first incident of its kind.
5) Two similar incidents in the same department is going to warrant a stricter computer policy.

I have since erased all my history of website requests and emptied my recycle bin. Not that I have anything illegal, but I have a feeling the management is going to come down on us...hard.


  • At 3:26 AM, Blogger teabag said…

    sister siewteng get well soon :) i hope you are not reading this at work! actually..its a good thing for the firm to enforce such a regulation as i think it'll bring more discipline and order into the org? but its just hard if its implemented out of the blue and midway..hope you will get used to it! hugs.

    oh..happy merdeka day!

  • At 5:42 PM, Blogger teng said…

    hi jan! i don't dare go googling or blog-reading at work anymore! just tot that a 'no' to news-reading has also been temporarily enforced. IS merdeka day today... hehe


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