
Just a glance

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Finally here

It's a miracle. I've finaly forced myself to apply for broadband. After months and months without internet at home, my manager would be very pleased to learn that I would be doing more constructive things at work than spending time surfing the net and reading emails. I'm pretty sure he doesn't know I surf sometimes in between work times when I get bored or stuck on some calculations I can't resolve. My eyes frequently trickle back and forth in its little socket at high speed, looking out for anyone who might sneak out behind me and catch me at play.

It's been a while since I blogged. Don't really know where to start, what updates to write now, too many things have happened since my last entry. Let's see if this is the easiest way to go about it:

The Sewage Tank
My boss took me along to the waste water treatment plant nearby, passionately abbreviated as WWTP. In fact, every single plant or line or department is shortened around here. My colleague shrugged his shoulders and told me I'll get used to them, and then eventually forget what they actually stand for. The smell from the sewage tank was unbelievable. Imagine it spilling out onto the road, which was why we were there to do an environmental audit, and how bad the whole place must have smelt when it happened.

My first car accident
As careful as I was driving my first ever car I bought with my own money, I still could not avoid an accident. Maybe I really shouldn't be released onto the roads. I pose a great deal of hazard for people around me, however well I passed my driving test, twice with flying colours. Do not misinterpret that. I have never failed a driving test. Passed a Malaysian one without bribing, and got the thumbs up for the NSW driving test. I just don't have enough confidence and experience to drive.

My first accident at home
Burnt the side of my left hand with a hot iron. Tip: Never do your ironing at night before a working Monday and when you are extremely tired. I almost fainted when I woke up the next morning to find the toothpaste that I applied as a cooling agent on the burnt had turned into a fungus-coloured paste! The scar is too painful to even look at. I tried to cover it with a light bandage held by two bandaids, which also helps prevent the skin from bursting while in its healing process. At exactly the same side on my right hand, the burnt scar from a commercial toaster is still evident. I wonder if both scars will ever disappear.

Back to basics
Just started the Alpha course. I thought it was about time to reinforce my knowledge. I did not know how simply you can describe your relationship with God. It had to take an English reverend preaching from a video tape for me to see that.

My new housemate
I cannot thank God enough for my new flatmate. We've never seen or heard each other, yet she found me online with a house advert posted on the uni website. She's Singaporean, and the most important thing is, she can cook. She even prepares lunch for me, after I told her I usually bring lunch from home. She's awesome, and was previously working in the Singaporean immigraiton department. Interesting background. And I have a challenging task ahead of me: She needs to find God again.

More updates to come shortly. The last episode of Amazaing Race is on telly. The final result is going to be a shocker, or so I hope!


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