
Just a glance

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Exhaustion setting in

My dirty laundry has reached waist high. My kitchen is messy. There are cat food scraps on the floor. Worse is the cat peeing in the bath tub. My camping bag is still unpacked. There are clean unironed clothes lying on the floor. The bed is unmade. The floors have not been mopped in weeks. My gym membership is wasting itself away. My meal times are screwed up. Eye bags are appearing.

Why is everything so messed up? That's because I have not worked so hard before in my life - two weekends in a row, at least 10 hours each day for the past two weeks. Afternoon shift work sucks. I hope I will never do another 16 hours work. I got splashed with synthetic resin at work - absolutely saturated. I also got splattered with blue dye. Blue fingernails can be trendy. I am now hating my project. It's messy. And I mean it literally too.

I'm going mad. And I'm tired, sleepy, cranky, the lot. Thank God I have a company holiday tomorrow.


  • At 4:19 PM, Blogger Ee Laine said…

    hope you're feeling much better today, but then again, you'd be very busy getting on top of your household stuff. How's the coming week like? Back to long dreadful hours?

  • At 5:45 PM, Blogger teng said…

    very true. all i did today was CLEAN! i have to start at 7am tmr but hopefully no more late nights!

  • At 6:46 AM, Blogger sthyan said…

    wow! i guess i better enjoy life as a uni student, then! Working life ain't that easy, eh? Thanks for sharing your working life experience with all of us...i hope that things will get better soon for u! will be praying for you :-)

  • At 7:23 PM, Blogger teng said…

    YES enjoy and PLAY as much as you can now, hyan. No turning back once you start working! :)


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