
Just a glance

Friday, December 10, 2004

Yay! I've hit more than 1000 visitors to my site. if it's of anything to shout about. But yey! Hahaha...

Talking about "visitors", I recently found out that friends who read my blog quite regularly, don't leave their footprints behind. Oh with the exception of Ben Chia of course! And I thought none of my friends were reading what I wrote, maybe just strangers stumbling across my writings. But then again, these are thoughts and comments personnally made and expressed via the virtual world. So, it doesn't really matter if you think no one seems to be dropping by. It's your channel for expression, instead of knocking your head on the wall.

I recently met a colleague who has just migrated from Malaysia. I felt "saved" because quite frankly I was quite sick and tired of these bunch of Hongkie colleagues who kept on conversing in Cantonese, total ignorance of the fact that I was on the same table as them, trying to fit in. The only two Malaysian and Singaporean collegues in the group didn't help at all and continued laughing at the Canto jokes. They have nicknames in Canto for certain people in the company, some of which when directly translated can be quite hilarious. We have Mr Two Dollars and Mr Bankrupt. Try translating them into English names with Chinese surnames. If you get it right, a bar of KitKat is up for grabs! First come first serve!

Today it felt good when my colleague and I were talking in Malay. I think they felt out of place this time. At least they got a taste of their own medicine. But don't worry, we were talking about Gong so I couldn't bear for others to hear about it. The Malay talk was critical. But just talking to him made me feel comfortable. It's always good to talk to your own countryman so that you can whoosh out all your lah's and your sia's. So much more comfortable lah. We just clicked immediately, although he was originally from Sri Lanka, born in Malaysia and grew up in Singapore. Another "dan lain-lain" category...or maybe not.

Tomorrow big day for Chloe. She's getting jabbed.


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