
Just a glance

Thursday, November 25, 2004

The Amazing Race

I'm a faithful follower of the Amazing Race. Please DO NOT tell me who wins in the end. I still want to feel the syiok-ness of knowing who wins. I hope either Chip&Kim or Brandon&Nicole wins. The teams are now in the 8th league of THE race around the world. And I so so want to go to Egypt. This has been one trip I must make, when I have the money of course!

As I look back to my amazing years in high school, college and uni, I can't believe it's all over. Welcome to the working world. So far so good. So far it's still exciting to come to work. So far it's been a whole new learning process of how this new world works. So far I've made good company with my colleagues. So far it's been good.


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