
Just a glance

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Ga Ga

Made a trip to Glenbrook last Saturday, a town about 40kms away from the Blue Mountains, to attend a friend's baby shower. I seriously didn't know what to expect as I haven't been to one. Hence, I embarrasingly turned up without a present. Not good at all. I plan to make up to that when the baby is born next month. I won't forget.

It was a party to celebrate the imminent arrival of the little one, the gender of which was going to be a surprise, of course. We played games with a distinctly baby theme, one of which was guessing the main ingredients of five mysterious baby food tins. I completely failed this game, with my nose in serious condition by this time. I tried to blame it on hayfever, sighting pollens and the numerous trees around the area as possible causes. Even the cat got the blame, but I knew it couldn't be the cat as I own one myself. It could also be wood dust or tiny wood shavings floating in the house as my friend's dad was into woodcraft. Everything was a possibility, except the fact that I was catching a cold. In the end, I only tasted one correctly - pumpkin. The rest were a mixture of either apple, apricot or pear - I couldn't tell. I couldn't even identify banana custard or mango.

Nibbles and dessert were excellent, and so were the baby bingo game and baby items memory game. We left with a little momento - a pot of pansy.

Can anyone advise this flower bimbo on how to care for one before she drowns it with excessive watering?


  • At 4:13 PM, Blogger teng said…

    hey i've heard ppl killing a cactus too! haha. but since yours is budding, it sure is in good health.


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