
Just a glance

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Oh gravity!

I'm allowed to be rebellious every now and then, especially when it feels like the weight of the world is sitting on my shoulders. No, wait. That is an understatement. More like pressing down on my body and ain't letting go until I'm six feet under. I heave a BIG sigh of relief, yet I suspect you may have to return to complete your unfinished business. Until then,

  • I have the utmost respect for you because you always have all the almighty answers with a quick snap of the fingers.
  • I do hate it when you call for me just when I am about to go home.
  • I love your humour, I really do, but sometimes I can't make out if you really are in a playful mood.
  • I stopped offering my share of lunch when all you care is working to your bones.
And so, I survived the last few weeks of occasional torture and misery, oh and not forgetting to mention the frequent snort attacks without being confined to the comforts of my bed.

I do not know how I will fare next week with your absence. Perhaps I will be happier, the joys of freedom unknown. Maybe it won't be a smooth ride without you, as I am now known as the next YOU in female form with the same expectations and infinite wisdom to solve anything and everything. Oh help.


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