
Just a glance

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The girl next door

It has been a full four weeks of this new inhabitance. The new resident has a few quirky behaviours - frequently disappearing into her room, constant phone chats, mono syllable answers and inexpandable friendly conversations. I tried. Very hard. Success seems far away.

I do have some expectations around living with other people. It's a natural thing to help out with house chores, don't you think? The stove is not cleaned up after all cooking attempts, dishes are not kept away, and the garbage has never been taken out. No, not once. Don't get me wrong, she's real neat and tidy but only cleans her individual items and minds her own individual space. Leading by example doesn't seem to quite work.

So I evilly schemed a test two days ago by tying up the garbage bag and leaving it for a couple of days to see if it can initiate some sort of conscience. Upon reaching home today, to my dismay, the garbage was still happily sitting in the bin.

I need a better plan.


  • At 11:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hmm.. leave it for a couple days more? where does she throw her trash? not in the same bin??

  • At 7:16 PM, Blogger teng said…

    in the same bin, but relatively speaking, I generate more coz I cook more often.

  • At 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    urm, so while the bin bag was neatly tied up, where does she throw her trash?

  • At 9:18 PM, Blogger teng said…

    Oh she reopened and retied. And when I finally took out the rubbish, went out for a few hours and came back, there was a small pile of rubbish on the kitchen table. Guess she didn't know where to throw her rubbish then. What ya think of that?

  • At 10:54 PM, Blogger Terence said…

    Sent some house rules including clearing the trash duty

  • At 10:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    well, she is crafty then. who buys the liners for the bins? why don't u generate as little trash as possible, wrap it in little plastic bags, and throw them in your room's waste paper basket for a while. of course... leave the bin outside liner'less. sit back, watch... and hopefully ur blood pressure doesn't slowly rise. LOL

  • At 5:47 PM, Blogger teng said…

    terence: i'm about to set rules. I just tot it wld be a natural thing to clean up around the house.

    g: actually i'm crafty too. i did hide the liners to see what happens.

  • At 10:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    uhh.. then what did she do?

  • At 11:30 PM, Blogger teng said…

    she must have thrown the rubbish in her own room bin. i couldn't stand past a day without the bin lined. anyway i'm testing again - the rubbish will be tied up tonight....

  • At 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    LOL. let me know how it goes.


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