
Just a glance

Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Lunch Room

Of late, it has been mega difficult to be sitting in our newly "renovated" lunch room. Well, not quite what you think renovated is. All we did for the past few months during our lunch breaks was to clear the crowded area near the lift, throw out 1950s and 1960s Australian standards, relocate unused cabinet files, and rearrange the drafters' precious equipments. And voila! Finally we have a designated area where we can have lunch, and not at our desks where we frequently drop crumbs that remain under the keyboard for rats to feast at night. I'm not kidding. During the colder winter days, rat droppings have been sighted on the desks (not mine, thank god!) that prompted an immediate response to tie food scraps in bags and a corrective action to get a long awaited lunch room up and running.

Well after all that typing above, I have not even dug into what I initially wanted to say. Anyway, I was mentioning how hard it is to be seated in the lunch room, listening to all sorts of swear words as my colleagues went about describing their spicy stories of the past. Seriously, I totally understand how exciting your story is, but cut the crap with the swearing, will ya? Geez. But, I said nothing because many a times, I have the opportunity to talk about Jesus - how cool is that? Among the regulars, one is particularly inquisitive about Jesus. Although he's had two bad experiences at a catholic church, and the only times that he's ever visited a church, he remains the curious cat. I appreciate this window of opportunity I have, and don't mind sitting down at the lunch room every day.

Jesus, be my strength.


  • At 11:23 PM, Blogger lamerzoid said…

    hey there! sorry for the late reply.. i've been really bz. im actually going sydney next week but its only for a day which is for a concert. i think the only time i'll be going sydney again is during my study break in oct. will keep u posted!

    till then, continue winning souls for Christ! oh oh, and hope you didn't forget it's MERDEKA day today :)take care!

  • At 10:52 PM, Blogger teng said…

    yeah we'll catch up then! don't study too hard till your hair fall out.


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