My recent flu bout was a killer, confining me to the depths of my bed. I was feverish too, and naturally I felt I was living in the North Pole. My 6year-old oil-fin heater had a broken switch, something that I'd thought I'll "operate" on when I have the time. Thankfully my previous flatmate left her radiant heater behind, but that wasn't enough to heat up the whole room. So I pinched my flatmate's fan heater. She was in Chicago, and still is. I'm sure she doesn't mind.
I got worse when the bug hit me at full strength. A caring friend called to ask what drugs I was popping, and after a simple diagnosis (she's a pharmacist-to-be, you see) reckons I should throw Lemsip out the window and get something stronger for the flu, which I did when I finally mustered enough strength to change out of my pyjamas and walk to the chemist.
Lemsip is officially out of my drug consumption list. It's trash.